EBC Manifesto, Article I: The Priority of God and His Word

EBC Manifesto, Article I: The Priority of God and His Word

MATTHEW Y. EMERSON AND R. LUCAS STAMPS: We affirm the ontological priority of the Triune God and the epistemological priority of his inspired, inerrant, and infallible Word. Christian faith begins, is carried forth, and ends in God—in his being and works—and is made known to us in Holy Scripture.




Introducing "Evangelical Baptist Catholicity: A Manifesto"

Introducing "Evangelical Baptist Catholicity: A Manifesto"

MATTHEW Y. EMERSON AND R. LUCAS STAMPS: Over the next several weeks we plan to blog through each of the eleven articles in the manifesto that we’ve been using as a kind of guiding document here at the Center for Baptist Renewal. In this introductory post, we wish to make a few preparatory comments to set up the series.